Frequently Asked Questions


What makes your AI chatbots unique from others in the market?

Our AI Chatbots deliver ultra-specific answers tailored to your products and services, ensuring authentic and precise interactions.


How do your chatbots ensure consistent service across platforms?

We partner with top-tier platforms guaranteeing consistent and uninterrupted service, ensuring your chatbot is always online.


How does the "Tailored Look & Talk" feature work, and how do I customize it for my brand?

Our chatbots are designed to seamlessly blend with your brand's appearance and voice, ensuring every interaction feels authentic.


How quickly can the chatbot be integrated onto my platform?

Once satisfied with the setup, your chatbot can be instantly integrated onto your website.


What platforms or tools is the chatbot compatible with?

Our chatbots flawlessly integrate with platforms like WordPress, Shopify, Facebook, and Instagram, ensuring a unified user experience.


How does the chatbot learn and adapt over time to my specific business needs?

Our chatbot evolves with every customer interaction, refining its responses and offering insights to enhance your offerings.


Can I provide additional training to the chatbot based on my products or services?

Absolutely! You're free to supplement data at any time to enhance the chatbot's performance.


What do I get in the free trial?

Please reach out via email or schedule a call to explore our trial offerings.


Are there any hidden costs or setup fees beyond the monthly package prices?

There are no hidden fees—just a transparent monthly subscription.


What kind of support can I expect if I run into issues?

Expect 24/7 top-notch support. Our chatbot assists in real-time, with an option to connect to a human agent if required. We also share chatbot insights to enhance your services.


How do you ensure the privacy and security of my business's data?

We prioritize data privacy and security. All practices are compliant with regulations, including GDPR. For detailed insights, please refer to our terms of service on the website.


How long does the initial setup and customization of the chatbot take?

Experience a robust AI chatbot, tailored to your brand, live in under 2 days—we take care of all technicalities.


How do chatbots help in reducing costs by up to 80%?

Chatbots automate customer support 24/7, handle endless conversations, and provide top-quality responses, diminishing the need for expansive support teams, which results in significant cost savings.


How do your chatbots stand out from competitor offerings in terms of authenticity and tailored interactions?

Beyond just automating responses, our chatbots focus on authenticity. Available 24/7, they facilitate genuine conversations and deliver data-driven insights to uplift your services.